Monday, October 16, 2006

Nevermind indeed!

I know what a lot of you are going to say and I don't care. I never "got " this band. They are on my top ten list of most overrated rock bands. And while I like Sucky CD Sunday to represent music that gets a bad name but people like anyway, I think the opposite is true of Nirvana. They get written up as one of the most important bands off the half century but I don't know anyone who actually listened to them past 1994. Let's explore why that may be:

  1. The Grunge Movement of which this album is the anthem was a depressing, no-style era which held up the little to no talent losers as its icons. Actually, that is the job description for being a "garage band - "no talent" and "loser".
  2. Kurt Cobain - oh Lord I am going to catch hell for this but the poor guy was a mental case. He was not Jesus, Buddha or the Shiva. He was a disturbed young man who knew no more than 3 chords on a guitar and owned a distortion pedal. Please don't let me see his narcotic blurred, unshaven face peer out of another T-Shirt. They guy should have been institutionalized. And no, his is pity-inspiring, not awe-inspiring.
  3. The best song that Nirvana ever did - in my humble opinion of course - was the cover or Bowie's Man Who Fell to Earth. Not exactly a testimony to the power of their own stuff. Don't get me wrong, "Teen Spirit" as ok. It was all OK. I probably wouldn't be picking on them if they were touted as being an "ok" band of the '90's. But they are not. They are treated like the Second Coming.

Next week on Sucky CD Sunday (unless I change my mind) the top ten most overrated musical acts of all time!!!! I have all week to think about them but beforewarned. They will be controversial! You can gear up to take your shots early on or be nice and provide me with suggestions.

Until next week! Keep it Sucky!


At 7:34 AM, Blogger Simone said...

I never liked Nirvana, never like Kurt.

My nephew and his 12 year old friends are learning "Teen Spirit" for their band (like guitars and drums not marching band). I heard them practicing it one day and when I told them it came out while I was in college - they all said "wow,really? that's cool!". I want to say I couldn't stand the band, but that would have ruined the whole idea of playing this "cool, old song" for them.

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Jenny G said...

*shakes head sadly* For me their popularity happened to come during the onset of my teen angst, so maybe that's why I like them so much. I don't think they had a lot of musical talent, but a band doesn't have to been musical instrument masterminds to be good (see: Beatles, The).

Excuse me while I go light a candle, line my eyes with smudged black eyeliner, put on "Serve the Servants" and slit my wrists. :)

The most overrated bands post sounds awesome!! I nominate the Stones,

At 3:51 AM, Blogger Steve H said...

ok, after all these months we have something on which to disagree. to me, this is the best album of its era, regardless of genre.

in cobain's defense, genius, quite often, is disguised by (or brought about by) mental illness.

and to miss jenny g, i never want to hear the stones called overrated again. they are not called the worlds greatest rock and roll band for no good reason...

At 1:35 PM, Blogger March2theSea said...

i also disagree. Nirvana really did start a music shift..which was needed.

To each their own tho...

At 8:21 PM, Blogger Dim said...

Not to sound lame, but I really do think this album is seminal. (A word, until recently, I thought referred to "man stuff"). This disc turned music on its ear. And for better or worse, it spawned almost every popular "rock" band today. If you doubt the importance of this disc, ask a member of Poison, Ratt, or Warrant how important Nevermind was in the context of their career.

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Mr. A said...

Yes I think its' a bit overrated but everything that is great gets to be that way.

I agree the Stones

They suck now for sure. However, back in the 60's and 70's they were as bad ass as bad ass gets!

At 2:05 PM, Blogger The Guinness Tooth said...

I know it's about a month since this post, but I totally agree. I can't stand Nirvana, especially Nevermind. In Utero was good, but I feel of the bands from that era, a group like The Stone Roses did so much more to influence the musicians I like now, not to mention to music I like now.

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Brian said...

you suck - if you think nirvana sux. that's pretty straight forward...


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